Unconditioning Love
"Unconditioning Love" invites you on an insightful expedition led by your host, Lydia, delving deep into the transformational journey of deconstruction, unraveling the conditions we often put on love. Journey alongside us as we uncover tales of resilience, featuring candid conversations with members of the LGBTQ community, individuals who have discovered love after navigating narcissistic relationships, and courageous souls who have left high control religions. Together, let's peel back the layers of conditional love and make the world a better place for everyone one person at a time as we lean more into love without conditions.
Unconditioning Love
The Power Of A Mother's Love
Season 1
Episode 9
Sara grew up in the 2x2s in New Jersey, where, as a child, she grappled with the notion of why God would want his children to feel unworthy. Sara's mother served as her guiding light, teaching her about unconditional love. Sara went to college to become an English teacher because that was an approved degree for women. At 23, Sara faced the loss of her mother and discovered the religion lacked the space for her grief. When seeking therapy, she was discouraged by the preachers. Sara broke free from the church at 28, and at 30, she shifted careers. Sara now thrives as a massage therapist, reiki master, and psychic medium, embracing her best life.